Agenda des congrès, journées et formations dentaires


The 22nd China International Dental Exhibition and Scientific Conference & SINO-DENTAL 2017
Début Vendredi 09 Juin 2017
Fin Lundi 12 Juin 2017
Clics : 900

The 22nd China International Dental Exhibition and Scientific Conference & SINO-DENTAL 2017
Du 09 au 12 Juin 2017
Lieu : (CNCC) China National Convention Centre
No.7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100105


International Health Exchange and Cooperation Center, National Health and Family Planning Commission
Rm. 703,B3 Wudongdalou, No.9 Chegongzhuang Street
Beijing, 100044
Tél.: +86 10 88393917
Fax : +86 10 88393924
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Contact person:
Ms Carol Kang
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