Agenda des congrès, journées et formations dentaires


5th International Congress of SMPI 2023
Début Vendredi 13 Janvier 2023
Fin Dimanche 15 Janvier 2023
Clics : 2285

5th International Congress of SMPI 2022
Du 13 au 15 Janvier 2023
Lieu : Savoy Le Grand Hôtel
Organizer : Société Marocaine de Parodontologie et d'Implantologie SMPI
Thème : "New approaches in periodontology and implantologie".


Voir le programme



Traduction :


Dear colleagues
The Moroccan Society of Periodontology and Implantology organizes from October 14 to 16, 2022 its 5th international congress in Marrakech. These days provide a platform for encounters and exchange between the various players in the periodontology ­eld.

True to its traditions, the scienti­c committee of the SMPI has selected for this year’s edition an interesting topic, « the new approaches in periodontology and implantology »‑a topic that will showcase the therapeutic innovations in this ­eld.
A rich and varied program has been drawn up to address everyone’s needs and prominent speakers will address everyday issues and share solutions that will help us improve our clinical practice.

Thus, peri-implantitis will be addressed by a number of authoritative names in periodontology, headed by Professor N. lang.
Pioneers of periodontal plastic surgery techniques will be facilitating a session of mucogingival surgery while the « CAF » will have to deal with the  » Tunnel Technique » in exciting duels to the delight of enthusiasts of the discipline.
Finally, implantology will also have its share in the program as a wide range of experts will share their clinical experiences with us.

The congress will take place in the imperial city of Marrakech, Morocco to enjoy the city’s beautiful gardens and centuries old medina. A real combination of business and fun.
The SMPI family looks forward to welcoming their members and friends to celebrate periodontology once again. As usual, your presence will contribute to the success of these days.

Come along as many as you can to join in this feast of Periodontology and Implantology community.
Great thanks go to our speakers, who have kindly agreed to participate in this event. Thanks, are also extended to our partners and to all the members of the Bureau.

Khadija AMINE
President of SMPI


Informations and contacts :
1, rue Tarik Bnou Ziad
Tél.: +212 642.18.17.59 / +212 522.86.22.96
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